Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I'm Back!

Sup people of the internet world? I haven't been on the blog in forever, almost a year actually. Lot's has happened but I'm still the same with a new punk look. XD I'm not sure what to put on my blog so ideas would be helpful.

Monday, May 05, 2008

So these are photoshopped pictures Laubach did... aka the L in M.A.L.T-7 He's mi bro (metaphorically speaking) so u better have nice things to say >:( !!!!!!!!!! All the pics belong to google but he digitally morphed and distorted them... *tear* im so proud XD

Now these.... these are images that I myself have digitalized and morphed, just like Joshie. :P We are not professionals or anything like that so you might not like these, in that case, just keep your comments to yourself.